PUBlic Professor Series presents Dr. David Logue

Bio: David Logue is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology. Growing up in the foothills of Northern California, David loved to search for frogs and snakes and dreamed of exploring tropical forests. As an undergraduate, he lucked into a chance to study tropical ecology in the jungles of Costa Rica. It was everything he had hoped it would be. Hooked on the tropics, David did his Ph.D. research at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. He went broke doing research, moved into his mother’s basement, and searched for any job he could get, eventually landing a postdoctoral fellowship in Lethbridge. Shortly after his arrival, he met an artist named April Matisz.  April and David married and moved to Puerto Rico, where David had served as a professor of Biology for six memorable years.  In the end, David was offered a position at the U of L, and the growing family came home to Southern Alberta. These days, David teaches classes in animal behaviour, animal communication, and decision-making, mentors three wonderful graduate students, and studies how tropical birds communicate with songs.

5 Questions with Dr. David Logue (recorded July 9, 2020)

5 questions on avian communication, vocal interactions, and animal behaviour with Dr. David Logue

PUBlic Professor Series Talk (scheduled for the 20/21 season)
Date: February 25, 2021 7pm
Location: Sandman Signature Lethbridge Lodge

Birds Sing Duets

In over 1000 species of bird, mated pairs sing “duets.” Avian duets range from simple overlapping songs to beautiful, intricate compositions that are so tightly coordinated they sound like the song of a single individual. Prior to the turn of the century, avian duetting was largely a scientific mystery. Since then, however, researchers have learned a great deal about why birds duet and how they do it (it’s a pun, get it?). In this talk, I will share examples of avian duets and discuss recent discoveries about this fascinating form of animal communication.

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