Noah Sieben cruises his way to top intern status

Meet Noah Sieben, a proud Calgarian and Alberta's top intern for the summer of 2023. Currently in his fifth year at the University of Lethbridge, pursuing a degree in marketing at the Dhillon School of Business, Noah shares his remarkable internship experience with major transportation solutions provider Enterprise Mobility and reveals the story behind his prestigious title.

I am very proud I was able to achieve this award."

Why did you choose Dhillon?

I chose Dhillon after hearing great things about the school from family friends.

Can you tell me about the Enterprise Management Internship Program and how you got involved?

Initially, I heard about the internship opportunity in one of my fall 2022 sales classes. There was a brief presentation about the opportunity and future career paths it offered. Skip ahead to the end of spring 2023 and I am applying to a ton of internships, one of them being the Enterprise Management Internship Program. Fortunately, I was able to secure the internship with Enterprise at their Lethbridge branch. The internship involved customer service skills, sales skills and team work. I excelled in my role mainly (in my opinion) due to my amazing co-workers and mentors, I really lucked out in that department. It was a great summer and I hope to see some of my fellow co-workers from Enterprise down the road in future endeavours.

Can you tell me how this internship benefits you and your future plans?

The internship was an excellent way for me to get my foot in the door with a very large company. I was also able to meet a lot of amazing people and display my skills to them first-hand. To top it off, I was awarded Alberta's #1 Intern for summer 2023 for my hard work and success during my internship.

Did you know what route in school you wanted to take, or did your plans change along the way?

I never really knew what I wanted to pursue until my third year in marketing. You have to understand, the second half of my first year and my entire second year of schooling was all online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many, I found it difficult to find motivation for school. However, I now have my eyes set on finding something I love, ideally in the field of sports marketing or health and fitness.

Is there anyone who has been a support to you through your schooling?

My entire family. My mother and father who put me through school and actually supported me after high school to do something as crazy as moving to Lethbridge for business school. They are my biggest supporters in so many ways and I could not thank them enough. My little sister is also an extremely big part of my life, as she studies at ULethbridge as well. Getting to see her on a daily or weekly basis is a huge support for me. On top of that, I have met so many great classmates, fellow students and amazing profs along the way.

What advice would you give those about to embark on their journey at ULethbridge?

Break out of your comfort zone, make friends, participate in lectures and take part in student clubs.

What are your hopes/plans after you graduate?

Either work for Enterprise again, or get into a sports marketing role. Ideally, I would work and save for about two years and then travel. I would also really love to see the Flames win the Stanley Cup before the Oilers (this last one is a hope not a plan).

The Dhillon School of Business at the University of Lethbridge is known for its immersive experiential learning opportunities, connecting learners with industry, its supportive, personalized approach and for exposing students to emerging technology. Study options are available in both Lethbridge and Calgary.

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