Five questions with Shining Graduate Jaylyn Potts (BFA - Art '20)

During her time  in the Art History and Museum Studies program, Jaylyn Potts (BFA ’20) had the unique opportunity to do two internships with the University of Lethbridge Art Gallery soon after receiving a significant donation to their collection from Dr. Margaret (Marmie) Perkins Hess. Her second internship allowed her to curate an exhibition of never before exhibited Inuit art in her exhibition Unikkausivut: Stories from the North

What is your most memorable uLethbridge experience?

Living on residence had a huge impact on my university experience. I met most of my friends while working for Housing Services and there was never a dull moment living in a dorm. As well, my internships at the uLethbridge Art Gallery were incredibly memorable and something that I felt very lucky to do.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your time at uLethbridge?

There are so many people that have had an influence my university experience, however, the uLethbridge Art Gallery staff really stand out for me. I was able to do two internships at the gallery and the staff provided me with so many opportunities, unique experiences, and lessons. I am beyond thankful that both Juliet Graham and Kirsten Meiszinger allowed me to constantly shadow them and pester them with questions about everything and anything.

Along with the incredible gallery staff, Devon Smither also had a great influence on me. The instant I took one of her Art History classes I was hooked, which led me to change my degree and my plan post-graduation. I always recommend her classes to everyone no matter what their degree or interest – they are something that I will dearly miss.

What is the most important lesson you learned?

Don’t plan too far ahead into the future because opportunities will present themselves that will make your path different than expected.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

I am actually coming back to uLethbridge in the Fall to complete a Bachelor of Education. I ran the summer art camps for the Art Gallery, and it was during this time that I realized how much I loved working with kids.

What advice would you give to students who are about to being their post-secondary journeys?

Enjoy every minute of it, because it goes by incredibly fast.

It’s crazy how much you’ll think back and miss the moments that you spent cramming for a test in the library or trying to hold a conversation without losing your breath while going up the Fine Arts stairs. It goes by too fast, and before you know it, it will be over.