Gradate student spotlight: Kathrina Chief Moon-Riley

Undergraduate Degree: Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience, 2014

MSc Thesis Research: My thesis examined the biological impacts of residential schooling on the development of intergenerational trauma among Indigenous Canadians. Specifically, I investigated whether Indigenous adults who had a parent attend residential school had higher allostatic load scores (i.e. wear and tear on the body due to stress) compared to individuals who did not have a parent attend residential school, using data derived from a CIHR-funded project led by my supervisor, Dr. Cheryl Currie.

Career Goals: My career goal is to become a physician who can engage and has training in health research. I would like to practice medicine in my home community, Kainai Nation, upon finishing school. After I completed a BSc in Neuroscience at the U of L, I enrolled in the MSc program to gain expertise and hands-on training in health research design, management and analysis. Although I was accepted into medical school half way through my MSc training, I decided to defer the start date so I could complete my Master’s degree, as I was learning valuable information and skills while completing my courses and thesis. I have now successfully defended my MSc thesis, and will begin medical school at the University of Saskatchewan this fall. Achieving my MSc degree in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Lethbridge has been an important part of my journey to achieve my career goals.