We will get through this together

Dear Friends,

These are truly unprecedented times. As we work to navigate through the challenges COVID-19 presents, it is my sincere hope that you and your loved ones are well and you are vigilantly following all health guidelines to help prevent the spread and to keep our communities healthy.

At the University of Lethbridge, we have undergone a massive change in virtually everything we do on both our campuses in Lethbridge and Calgary, and it has all taken place over the course of the last two weeks. In this time, we have moved our entire course delivery model out of the in-person classroom to an alternative mode. The collective efforts of our faculty and staff to execute this transformation have been remarkable and speaks to the quality and dedication of our people to do whatever is necessary to give our students the unparalleled academic experience they’ve come to expect.

I am also impressed by our students, who have persevered through this change and been extremely patient at a very difficult time in the term. Our teams are working together to ensure the Spring 2020 Class will still have a convocation experience that recognizes their accomplishments and provides them and their families with a meaningful way to celebrate.

To help lead the broader southern Alberta community through this crisis, every decision we have made has been through the lens of keeping our students, staff and faculty safe. As of March 30, our Lethbridge campus is almost completely closed, with only small pockets of critical research groups able to access our buildings. The majority of our residence students have returned to their homes and the few who remain are safely residing in individual spaces. Our business units have embraced remote technologies and the business of the University is continuing.

You, as leaders in our communities, are facing many of the same challenges. Thank you for making important contributions in your professions, in your communities and in your own homes and families.

Many of you have reached out, looking to continue your support of the U of L and for that, I am both heartened and thankful. We have set up an emergency student bursary to help support students in duress during this most difficult time. For those of you who are able, you can join me in making a contribution.

It is times such as these when the true U of L spirit soars. Stories of resiliency, connection and community are rising to the surface and we are pleased to share them with you here at uLethbridge Cares.

During this unprecedented time of physical distancing, the need to remain connected has never been greater. We, as a University of Lethbridge family, will continue to shine and we will get through this together.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. And please, stay connected.


Mike Mahon, PhD
President & Vice-Chancellor
University of Lethbridge

uLethbridge Cares brings the community together through stories of resilience and opportunities for connection.