Q&A with Calgary Campus 2020 Graduate Brayden Ascah

Brayden Ascah, BMgt in Finance & Supply Chain Management 

What is your most memorable uLethbridge experience?

It is difficult to pinpoint a specific event since the entire experience at the university has been such a memorable and important part of my personal development. Choosing a single theme, it would have to be the friends and connections I made over the five years I attended the university. Whether it was grabbing a quick bite with a couple buddies after an evening class, celebrating a semester well done with a drive down to Lethbridge for LCB, or grabbing a coffee to share experiences about each other's co-op terms in downtown Calgary, the one thing that stands out the most was definitely the people.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your uLethbridge?

During my studies, there were dozens of fellow students and professors who left impressions on me and I want to extend a special thanks to you all. There are a few that I would like to especially thank for your contributions to my experience. The co-op advisors, Brynne Thurston and Doreen Kooy were always there to offer support and patience on all things career. My university experience would be incredibly different if it wasn't for their hard work in shaping a successful program. The professors James Hesford, Gloria Tian, and Shelley Rathie provided opportunities to succeed, think critically about real world examples, and to develop lifelong skills.

What is the most important lesson you learned?

“Soft skills get little respect but they will make or break your career” – Peggy Klaus. In university you will learn two types of skills, hard and soft. Hard skills will be in the form of what you gain from the content within the lectures, soft skills will be in the form of how you interact with people. I found some of the most influential lessons came from the soft skills developed during my studies. Learning how to effectively lead a team, communicate with people, and be willing to learn while staying open minded to peoples perspectives, are some of the most critical soft skills I learned during my time at university.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

Right now, I'm going to enjoy my summer by golfing, fishing, and spending time with my family. I am starting a new journey on my career path in the fall of 2020 where I am excited to start at a new company, new industry, in a new city. I plan to continue my academics in the next couple of years by completing a few certifications. I would also love to eventually work internationally in a place such as Europe or Asia. This has always been a goal of mine because I would love to see the world, experience new cultures, and learn new ways of working.