Five questions with Shining Graduate Jennifer Matosevic (BMus '18, BEd ’20)

Recipient of the Alberta Teachers' Association William Aberhart Gold Medal in Education

Jennifer Matosevic completed her Bachelor of Education with a major in Music Education and a minor in Science Education in the Fall of 2019. She excelled both academically and in her field experience placements. Jennifer developed strong relationships with her students both inside and outside of the classroom. She always wanted students to understand the why of her lessons and develop a personal connection with the topic. For example, in one lesson she asked guitar students to discuss their motivations and rationale for learning the instrument. In her final practicum her school administrator described her as a “highly skilled, reflective, and organized teacher." Her teacher mentors described her as a “dedicated professional that strives for excellence.” They go on to say, “It has been an honour to teach and learn alongside her.”

What does receiving this award mean to you?
I am incredibly honoured to have been chosen to receive the ATA William Aberhart Gold Medal in Education; it means immense amounts to me. I poured my heart and soul into this degree and to have it culminate with this award is extremely gratifying.

What is your most memorable uLethbridge experience?
I have too many to pick just one! I really enjoyed my time at the University of Lethbridge throughout both of my degrees. I learned so much, made fantastic memories, and lifelong friendships.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your uLethbridge?
I am so grateful to all of my professors and the guidance that they provided throughout my studies. Not only did they provide instruction, but they also inspired me to delve deeper into my passions.

What is the most important lesson you learned?
The most important lesson I learned is to approach each new opportunity with a growth mindset. Approaching an experience with positivity and optimism will definitely make it more interesting and enjoyable. You never know what you might learn!

What are your hopes/plans for the future?
I am really looking forward to teaching this fall! Every classroom is a new adventure, and I am so excited to begin my professional career.

What advice would you give to students who are about to begin their post-secondary journeys?
The advice I would give would be to do your best to stay organized! Make sure to have a planner to ensure that no deadlines are missed and to create small, attainable goals to make larger tasks more manageable.