Fine Arts Shining Student Nicole Oscar

Shining Student Nicole Oscar has her sights set on stage management, and is gaining the experience necessary to meet her goal. A highlight of her educational experience is her internship at the Roy Hart International Arts Centre in the south of France, where Nicole is studying internationally and learning key skills for technical theatre as well as exploring performance.

I want to explore stage management within and outside of theatre; I’m fortunate that the skills I’ve learned are very versatile across the entertainment industry. I hope to find work that gives me to chance to travel to as many new places, and to meet as many new people as possible.

Meet Nicole. Driven. Compassionate. Inspired.
Program: Bachelor of Fine Arts - Dramatic Arts | Major: Technical/Design

Why did you choose to pursue fine arts at ULethbridge?

ULethbridge offers a smaller and more personal undergrad experience. Coming from a small town, it was daunting moving across the province to start post-secondary. ULethbridge offered a great sense of community and a stunning campus!

What inspires your artistic/musical practice?

I am constantly inspired by people; their stories, how they think and what drives them.

I feel that I’m drawn to stage management because it involves constantly communicating and working with fellow artists who all share the common goal of a wonderful production. Working with and learning from others is the most rewarding part of the work I do.

Did you know what you wanted to study before you came to ULethbridge? Has your academic plan changed since you began your studies?

I began in the Drama Education program when I first started in Fall 2019. I had wanted to be a teacher for so long that I never truly considered a career in theatre. I was so hesitant to apply to the Education faculty, and after working on different productions within the department, I realized that I’m my happiest in the theatre, and switched majors to Technical/Design in Spring 2021. You should never feel like you are stuck in a degree or major.

What is your most memorable ULethbridge experience?

Being a part of the TheatreXtra team as General Manager. I got to produce student work alongside two incredible artists and dear friends, and to mentor and help early year students learn new theatrical skills and inspirations.

How have your professors or instructors impacted your education?

All my professors and instructors sincerely wish to see their students succeed. Being on a smaller campus offers students more one-on-one time to build relationships with mentors that are long lasting. I’m incredibly grateful to the professors who’ve helped me grow as an artist and human being over the past four years.

Have you received any scholarships and awards?

I’ve recently received funding through the Global Skills Opportunity grant and been awarded the Ray Jolliffe Memorial Scholarship to participate in a summer internship with the Roy Hart International Arts Centre in southern France. This funding is giving me the chance study internationally and return for my final year with a new set of skills in technical theatre, and a broader sense of world view!

Tell us about your experiential or work-integrated learning opportunities at ULethbridge and how these have enhanced your education?

This summer, I am doing an internship at the Roy Hart International Arts Centre in the south of France. I plan to focus on the cultural differences in the collaboration of artists between an International Centre and western Canada. I’m achieving this through an Applied Studies course with ULethbridge, and I’m so grateful to the ones who’ve helped organize this wonderful opportunity.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

In my final year at ULethbridge, I’ll be the stage manager on our Mainstage production of Jesus Christ Superstar. After I graduate, I plan to find work in stage management. I want to explore stage management within and outside of theatre; I’m fortunate that the skills I’ve learned are very versatile across the entertainment industry. I hope to find work that gives me to chance to travel to as many new places, and to meet as many new people as possible.

What advice would you like to give those about to begin their journey at ULethbridge?

Try everything at least once and be active within the department. Exploring a new area of theatre not only makes you a more well-rounded artist but gives you a new understanding and appreciation for the work and expertise of other artists. Hard work does not go unrecognized.

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• Awards, scholarships & student supports
• Productions, exhibitions, concerts & more
• Applied studies, internships & a range of work experience
• Enhanced education opportunities locally, nationally and abroad
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