Fine Arts Shining Student Kade Carter

Shining Student Kade Carter is taking advantage of all the opportunities available to them at ULethbridge. Exploring his interests from directing to design, Kade's ULethbridge experience has been significantly shaped by his professors and instructors.

The more you put in, the more you get out! It took me a while in my first few semesters to get myself really invested in all my courses. I found that the more I put effort and excitement into a course, the more that I was really growing as an artist and academic! Don’t look at the courses in your degree as a means to an end but as a chance to further yourself as an artist and person.

Meet Kade. Thoughtful. Eclectic. Artist.
Program: Bachelor of Fine Arts - Dramatic Arts | Major: Performance

Why did you choose to pursue fine arts at ULethbridge?

I was really drawn to the diversity of focus our program offers!

Not only do I get the opportunity to explore directing, acting and devising, but I’ve had the opportunity to do design work both in classes and productions. I've been able to gain all of this training and skills that I can further develop and use in my future, to be a more rounded creative.

As well, what I really liked about ULethbridge was its smaller size! I feel that I've been able to make really strong connections with my professors and other students in my program because of that.

What inspires your artistic/musical practice?

I am so inspired by collaboration! I think that’s why Dramatic Arts became my focus in the arts in the first place. When directing, there is nothing more fulfilling than getting the ball rolling on a project, and getting to work with so many people who are all just as excited about the work as you are. At the end, the project is this huge collage of everyone and what they brought to the table. It becomes something that I could have never have imagined on my own.

When designing, I love being able to work off of a director's concept and build something that fulfills me as an artist, and the vision of the project as a whole. No matter what my role is in a project, I am always so energized by being a part of something larger, something that will only exist for a short span, but may leave lasting impacts!

Did you know what you wanted to study before you came to ULethbridge? Has your academic plan changed since you began your studies?

I did! There was a small moment before I applied where I had been considering psychology. I found, however, that drama is a very core part of me, and nothing else felt quite right. My plans haven’t changed academically too much, though I am getting a minor in Women and Gender Studies as well now!

I hope to utilize what I learn from my minor in my future work, to be a more political and thoughtful artist.

What is your most memorable ULethbridge experience?

Right now, what comes to mind, is my time acting in the Mainstage production of TomorrowLove! I absolutely adore that cast, and I’m so glad I got to work with everyone and become closer. There were a lot of unique challenges that came from a futuristic play with four different directors, but we always tried to have as much fun as possible.

The show was a collection of pieces that had two actors each. I really enjoyed being able to dive into my piece with my scene partner and really focus on that connection between our characters. As well, I loved the different takes the designers had on what clothes might be worn in the future. My costume really leaned into androgyny, and being non-binary myself, I don’t think I’ve ever loved a costume I’ve worn so much. There are a lot of very unique things that came from that work, and it’s not a production I’ll soon forget.

How have your professors or instructors impacted your education?

Over my time here, every professor I’ve had has given me something really vital to my learning.

In studio courses, my professors have always made the effort to really invest in my growth, and understand me creatively. I used have a poor connection to my body and movement as a performer, but Mia van Leeuwen really pushed me to keep challenging myself. I can’t even express how much more comfortable I am with that side of performance now because of the courses I took with her.

In my classes on the theory and analysis side, my professors have helped me find my voice in critiquing and find the value and love of research and history in the arts. I’ve been able to make really strong connections to my professors, and I’m so thankful for all that they put into their work. I wouldn’t be the artist I am without them.

Tell us about your experiential or work-integrated learning opportunities at ULethbridge and how these have enhanced your education?

I've had the wonderful opportunity to work with TheatreXtra, the student-run theatre company, in a number of capacities over my time here. Every production I've been involved in has been an incredible experience.

I think TheatreXtra is an invaluable resource for students. There is so much to learn as it's a platform for students to learn how to produce their art. Playwrights have the chance to have their script workshopped, directors have the chance to oversee a full production and there is just so much opportunity for growth and development.

I have made some of my closest personal and professional relationships through this program. I've been involved as an actor, a director, and as a designer. No matter how I've been involved, I've always found that the teams built for a project are incredibly dedicated to the work, and to building a fun space to create and grow together. I am so incredibly thankful to have been selected as TheatreXtra's Artistic Producer for the 2023/24 season. I cannot wait to help other students produce their art and help facilitate that brave, fun, exciting space I've been able to enjoy.

Have you received any scholarships and awards?

Yes I have, one of them was the David and Jo Spinks Award!

Every time that I have received a scholarship or award, it feels like a much needed relief to have a bit less financial stress. I am able to put more into my studies because of that help! I might have burnt myself out without it.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

My plan is to do work as a freelance artist, likely based out of Edmonton. I want to open myself up to as many opportunities as possible, all around. For me, working in theatre is primarily the goal, but picking up other work in the arts and side gigs as I go along. The dream down the road is to have steady work as a director or as the artistic director of a company!

What advice would you like to give those about to begin their journey at ULethbridge?

The more you put in, the more you get out! It took me a while in my first few semesters to get myself really invested in all my courses. I found that the more I put effort and excitement into a course, the more that I was really growing as an artist and academic! Don’t look at the courses in your degree as a means to an end but as a chance to further yourself as an artist and person.

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• Awards, scholarships & student supports
• Productions, exhibitions, concerts & more
• Applied studies, internships & a range of work experience
• Enhanced education opportunities locally, nationally and abroad
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