Employee Spotlight: Trisha Henschel | Executive Director, Calgary Campus

Where are you from?
I am originally from Winnipeg and I moved to Calgary to pursue my post-secondary education. I loved the city so much (it may have just been the chinooks) that even after I graduated, I stayed and have made Alberta my home. I have worked in the post-secondary sector for almost 20 years and my first job was at the University of Calgary as a receptionist working in the Music Department. I graduated from U of C with my Bachelor of Music, so I was thrilled to be able to claim I’d found a job in my field. I was really fortunate to work in many different units and in many different roles over my 14-year career with the U of C and I learned about many different aspects of how a university operates. I am the mom to four boys, wife to a husband, a mom who plays soccer (not a soccer mom) and a graduate student in the last semester of my MEd program, where I am writing and researching themes related to leadership in the post-secondary context.

When did you come to the U of L and what do you do here?
I have been with the U of L for almost two years to the day; I joined the Calgary Campus as its executive director. As ED, I am responsible for the oversight of our operations in Calgary. This means leading a team of amazing folks here who look after all of the needs of U of L students while on the Calgary Campus and working really closely with colleagues on the Lethbridge campus to explore what possibilities exist in Calgary to expand and diversify the programs that we currently offer. I also get to go out into the community and be an ambassador, talking about not only the Calgary Campus and the U of L, but identifying opportunities for partnership and growth that will benefit both our campuses.

What’s the best part of your job?
The absolute best part of my job is that I am being given the opportunity to build something. This is a really exciting time because we have a vision for the Calgary Campus to be a place of innovation and play, a space where we can explore new programs, new credentials, innovative delivery models and apply different ways of thinking to address the changing needs of students. I like to think of the Calgary Campus as a speedboat; we aim to be nimble and responsive and fast. There is so much enthusiasm across our institution to better support and educate students; it’s just great to know I can play a small part in initiating change, creating a safe space to experiment and supporting the University in its evolution.

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
I’m kind of an open book, I’m a sharer, so I feel like there’s probably not much that people who I have had the chance to work with don’t know about me. What I walk into every room hoping is that people know that the U of L has a Calgary campus!