Dr. Richelle Marynowski (BEd '94), Professor & Associate Dean, Faculty of Education and incoming Convocation Chief Marshal

How do you feel about being appointed Chief Marshal? Is there a particular aspect of the job you're most looking forward to?
I am extremely honoured and excited to have been selected as Chief Marshal! I have been marshalling at convocation since 2013 and I just love the chance to congratulate students as they cross the stage and find a moment to celebrate with them. I am most excited to be able to interact with each of the students in all faculties and schools as they convocate.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I grew up in Picture Butte and attended ULethbridge from 1990 to 1994. I graduated with a BEd with a major in mathematics and a minor in French. I started teaching in the fall of 1994 in the small community of Cessford. I loved teaching there and learned so much about myself as a teacher. From there, I moved to Edmonton in 1997, got married, had two amazing kids, and taught in four different schools: Centre High, Learning Store Outreach Program, Vimy Ridge Academy, and M. E. LaZerte. In 2001, I completed my MEd. in Secondary Education from the University of Alberta. In 2008, I was seconded to Alberta Education where I was the Examiner for the Pure Math 30 Diploma Exam. During my time there, I began my PhD also in Secondary Education focusing on teachers’ experiences teaching a diploma exam course. I completed my PhD in 2014. When the posting for the position at ULethbridge in classroom assessment and evaluation came across my radar, I thought it was the perfect position for me. I loved my time at the University and really believed in the undergraduate program and I felt like I could contribute to the program. My parents and extended family were in the Lethbridge area and I felt like coming back to ULethbridge would be perfect for me and my kids…and it has been.

How long have you been at ULethbridge and what do you do here?
I started at the University in 2011 as a Lecturer in the Faculty of Education with a focus on classroom assessment and mathematics teaching and learning. Since then my focus has stayed in those two areas and has branched out to teacher professional growth and development. I teach courses in the undergraduate and graduate programs in the Faculty of Education and have become involved with the Teaching Centre on campus to support the enhancement of teaching at the post-secondary level.

What's the best part of your job?
I find a lot of the work that I do is solving problems and puzzling out solutions; I really like thinking through complex situations and finding an elegant solution (or sometimes not so elegant) to address the situation. This allows me to make connections to others at the University and outside to ensure that not only are our institutional requirements met, but also our external partners are consulted and informed.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I enjoy paddleboarding, hiking, puzzles, Lego, visiting with friends and family, and reading.

Did you know?
Created by sculptor and artist Corne Martens, the mace is cast in bronze and weighs about eight kilograms.

The mace signifies the authority of the Faculties and Schools of the University to grant academic degrees, diplomas and certificates; of the Senate to grant honorary degrees; and of the chancellor to confer degrees, diplomas and certificates.

During the academic procession and recession, the mace is carried by the chief marshal. The chief marshal is appointed from among the members of the ULethbridge academic staff by the president and vice-chancellor.

The mace is also symbolic — one end features a mortarboard, gavel and open book. The mortarboard represents the Senate and symbolizes academia with all of its connotations. The gavel represents the Board of Governors and symbolizes management and control, while the open book represents the General Faculties Council and symbolizes teaching, scholarly activity and service. The other end of the mace features a globe set in pronghorn antelope antlers. These represent the mascot of the University and our commitment to the physical dimensions of the scholar. The globe symbolizes the universality of knowledge and liberal education in all its dimensions.