Czarina Balbina Bonifacio (BN '13, MN '21) is a shining graduate and a recipient of the School of Graduate Studies Silver Medal of Merit

Czarina Balbina Bonifacio found a role model close to home — her mom, Dr. Glenda Bonifacio, a professor in the University of Lethbridge’s Women and Gender Studies department. The support and inspiration provided by her mother gave Czarina both perspective and direction.

Why did you choose to pursue graduate studies in nursing?
I pursued graduate studies to advance my knowledge and further recognize my abilities in nursing education and research. I applied to the MN program because I wanted to prepare myself for roles that assume more accountable responsibilities within nursing education and the healthcare system.

What does your research focus on? What do you hope your research will accomplish?
My research gave voice to home health-care aide workers impacted by chronic physical pain. I hope that my research raises further inquiry and advocacy in the development of policies and interventions that promote healthier work environments, particularly one that best supports home health-care aide workers with chronic physical pain as they are integral to the sustainability and delivery of home care services.

What was your most memorable experience while at the University of Lethbridge?
My entire graduate journey at the University of Lethbridge was memorable and enjoyable. I cannot thank my thesis supervisor, Dr. Monique Sedgwick, enough for creating such a positive learning environment. Through her guidance and mentorship, I was able to gain confidence and thrive, despite what I was going through in my personal life. I truly am grateful for meeting such an exemplary and genuine mentor.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your experience?
My mother, Dr. Glenda Bonifacio, had an important influence in my life. She never failed to provide inspiration and her continuous support gave me the perspective and direction I would not have otherwise had. I am fortunate to not have to look far for a role model.

What does this academic recognition mean to you?
I am extremely honoured I was selected for this incredible award. There is nothing more meaningful than recognizing a student’s work on and off campus. However, I could not have attained this level of achievement without the support of my family, my thesis supervisor and my research committee (Drs. Shannon Spenceley and Sienna Caspar). This award is one for the books!