Candace Dueck, Student Enrolment and Registrar Service, Information Clerk

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I was born and raised in Lethbridge. My grandfather was the first Chinese immigrant to bring a family to Lethbridge in the early 1900s. My cousin has done extensive genealogy and the philosopher Lao Tzu is one of our ancient ancestors. One quote of Lao Tzu's in particular that I feel relates to the university experience is "knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it."

How long have you worked at ULethbridge and what do you do here?
Over the years, I worked in retail, oil and gas, architecture and the banking industry. I began my ULethbridge career in the Faculty of Education & Management. In my second year, a newly created position was advertised for an Information Clerk. So my claim to fame is that I am the first Information Clerk hired at the University of Lethbridge and 36 years later, I’m still going strong.

The role of Information Clerk has certainly evolved over the years. The most recent changes are that all forms can now be submitted online and all student records are now digital. The mandate has always remained the same. My colleague Sheri and I are the first point of contact for students, faculty, staff and the community at large.

What's the best part of your job?
The most enjoyable part of my position is the interaction with the public, especially the students. I have insight on some of their issues as my son was a student, so I have the perspective from the other side. As a mother, I can also relate to parents and allay their fears about their children leaving home for the first time and help them navigate in their new academic environment.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I participate in minyo dancing and perform every year at the Bon Odori festival. Minyo dancing is a traditional Japanese artform that focuses on the folk song aspects of Japanese culture.

I enjoy photography and have taken pictures for various events throughout the university over the years.

I have always loved paper crafts and was introduced to quilling when it was featured at one of our retreats. My latest venture was the opportunity to use the Glowforge laser at the Agility Centre where Kevin assisted in producing a set of unique acrylic numbers. This fabulous DIY centre has opened my eyes to expanding my horizons craft wise.

Our entire family has played an active role in the ULethbridge dragon boat teams. My husband Randy (BMgt '92) is the steer and my son Elijah (BSc '17, MSc '21) has been lead stroke/paddler, and myself as one of the organizers enjoy participating in this yearly event. It was great to be back on the lake after a two year hiatus due to Covid.

I have taken tour groups to China in the past and was in the process of arranging a Canadian dragon boat team to compete in China on a 4 festival tour sponsored by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce however political instability and Covid prevented the tour.