Bonnie Takats, Administrative Assistant, Teaching Centre and Agility

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am from a small city in southwestern Ontario but my family relocated to an even smaller rural town in central Alberta just before I started school. A couple of years later, my mother, sister and I settled in West Edmonton, where I grew up. Starting in my early teen years, I was an active volunteer and city employee working with Edmonton Parks and Recreation where I planned and facilitated various children’s programs. After graduation, I spent a couple of years working as a pharmacy assistant and photographer before taking a position with the government in the Ministry of Health for eight years. Outside of work, I spent a lot of time on my artistic pursuits as well as taking in a variety of live theatre performances, concerts, and festivals. I could often be found volunteering my time with various profit and non-profit theatre companies, taking archival photographs, building props, painting sets, and even co-founding a small theatre company. Early in life, I found a love for fibre arts, pottery and sculpting. To this day, they remain three of my favourite hobbies. I have one daughter who was born in 2005. My family relocated to Lethbridge at the start of 2009 when my husband took his position at the University of Lethbridge in Fine Arts. In the last 15 years since relocating to Lethbridge I have worked with Stringam LLP, Lethbridge College, and the Lethbridge School Division before starting at the University earlier this year. Of all the professional roles I have held in my career, I have found that the energy that comes with working in education resonates with me the most. I am always in awe of what individuals can achieve with the right supports.

How long have you been with ULethbridge and what do you do here?
I started at the University in January 2024 as the Administrative Assistant with the incredible Teaching Centre and Agility team. In my current role, I help support the day-to-day operations and work of the Teaching Centre and Agility and assist with exam overrides for the ALC. I learn more about Moodle Support every day and look forward to learning more about the technology in the Innovation Zone. I feel really privileged to have the opportunity to help support the Teaching Centre’s vision of enhancing teaching and learning at the University through exploring, developing, celebrating, and promoting innovative and inclusive teaching practices.

What's the best part of your job?
The best part of my position so far has been getting to work with such a supportive, dedicated and knowledgeable team of people. I received the warmest welcome from everyone and I love that I get to work with so many like-minded individuals focused on promoting excellence within the University community. Their collaborative approach to work and their humour make it a real joy to come to work every day.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Now that my daughter has finished high school and has transitioned to pursuing her undergraduate degree here at ULethbridge, I find myself at the stage of life where I have more opportunities to reconnect with various hobbies and explore new interests. In the summer, I typically spend a lot of time with my family chasing southern Alberta sunsets in our tiny vintage 1975 Scamper trailer. We are currently finishing up some unexpected home renovations, and I am very much looking forward to taking a break from that and spending some time this summer camping and reconnecting with nature.

Bonnie captured this scenic sunrise while camping last summer.