Alumni Profile: Kathryn Smith (BFA - Dramatic Arts '12)

BFA - Dramatic Arts (Technical/Design) ‘12

Designer | Director | Technician

Kathryn has been working in various arts communities across Western Canada since 2012. She is a designer, musician, singer/songwriter, director, and a proud advocate and member of the LGBTQ2S+ community. She is the director of award-winning clown duo, The Tighty Whities, and has worked extensively with such companies as Theatre Calgary, Sage Theatre, Handsome Alice, Chromatic Theatre, and Lunchbox. Kathryn is also an award-winning singer/songwriter under the name, KP Smith.

Kathryn was selected for the Alberta Musical Theatre New Musical Program taking on a theatre for young audiences adaptation of the Slavic folktale, Baba Yaga! Watch for the premiere of Baba Yaga at the 2019 Edmonton International Fringe Festival.

Learn more about the BFA - Dramatic Arts (Technical/Design) program.
