Abbondànza Scholarship recipients grateful for contributors

Thanks to 20 years of community support, the Abbondànza Endowment awarded a record number of scholarships in the 2020/2021 academic year, providing an astounding 30 fine arts students with financial awards to support their education. The ever-growing endowment, supported by the annual Fine Arts fundraising event, Abbondànza, offers scholarships to entrance, continuing, senior and graduate students studying art, drama, music and new media programs at uLethbridge.

In a most-difficult year, these financial awards make a dramatic impact on students' ability to succeed. Hear how your contributions support Fine Arts students:

I would like to express my thanks for being selected for this award. I was unsure of what this year would hold, or if it would even be worth it to start my University life completely online, but I am glad that I stuck with it. This year has been full of downs, but this for sure was an up.

~ Jessica Balfour, first year student

This scholarship allows me to focus on school fully, rather than getting a part time job to fund my education, and for that I am so thankful. I have time to focus all my energy on working hard and learning as much as possible, as well as connecting with my classmates, which is so important this year especially. I am so thankful for the generous donors who make this scholarship possible so that students can have a brighter future.

~ Petra Stauffer, 2020/2021 Abbondànza Scholarship recipient

I cannot express how deeply thankful I am that we have such gracious donors giving young artists and students the means to continue to further their education and allow them to nurture their talents. This is the greatest gift a performer or artist can ask for in terms of the growth that it can help to foster within the post-secondary world. Thank you so much for believing in me and what I have to give to the Fine Arts, and for your continuing support to the University of Lethbridge and all of its students.

~ Jordyn Nixon, 2020/2021 Abbondànza Scholarship recipient

Coming from a low-income family, money is always a great worry of mine. A level of financial security allows me to thrive in my goals to achieve high academic success. Thank you so very much for your contributions to my education. It is people like you that empower the young minds of today in the making of a better tomorrow.

~ Montana Durand, 2020/2021 Abbondànza Scholarship recipient

Thank you for your continued support of Fine Arts student scholarships. Your contributions not only provide students with relief from financial anxiety, they provide inspiration and motivation to pursue their passions and follow their dreams.

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