6 questions with Holly Kletke (Music/Education)

Holly Kletke is a third year Bachelor of Music/pre-Education student, majoring in voice. She is the Fine Arts student representative for the University of Lethbridge Students' Union. She is also the President of PACT, which is the UofL student alumni council, and a residence assistant with the Organization of Residence Students. In between her classes and commitments, she enjoys volunteering, playing her guitar, and hanging out with friends.

Why did you choose uLethbridge?

I can easily place myself back in the mindset of a confused, lost, and scared 18-year-old, profoundly unsure of what I want to do in life. I accepted my offer to uLethbridge on the last possible date, because it was the only University I applied to in Alberta, and I did not want to move too far from my parents. Even then I did not know if it was the right decision.

But the moment I arrived on campus, I immediately felt a palpable, profound sense of belonging. The culmination of the campus, the classes, the people, the professors and the experiences all contributed to an overall sense that I belong here, and that uLethbridge is going to become eternally meaningful to my life.

What is your most memorable uLethbridge experience to date? What are you looking forward to as you continue your education?

I like to view my post-secondary experience as a collection of memorable moments, so of course it is hard to pick just one that is the "most" memorable. But in the movie memoir of my life, the moments that will play the most are those that I’ve spent with my friends. Whether it’s walking across whoop-up drive, playing poker until 3am, or just walking across campus together, those are the moments that brighten my day the most, and make me feel like I belong.

The best part about attending uLethbridge, is that there is no shortage of people who you might someday be able to call your friend, and no shortage of opportunities to meet and make new friends.

How have your professors impacted your education? Have any professors changed the way you view the world, or what you want to study?

While University professors are certainly among the most accomplished, professional and intelligent individuals you will ever meet, they’re also some of the most friendly and supportive. I feel so lucky and grateful to have crossed paths with professors who are so supportive of my endeavours, and who will put in extra effort to help me through my classes, and also open my eyes to new opportunities. Yes, professors at uLethbridge are incredibly inspiring for their accomplishments and academic endeavours, but I’m inspired by the professors who I can share a laugh with, and who will always say hi to me in the hallways.

In light of COVID safety restrictions, how have you adapted to learning online?

While learning online is not my favourite thing, it presents an opportunity for me to improve on various skills that I would otherwise disregard. For example, self-discipline is critical for me and something that I’ve been working on since the fall semester began. I keep organized by making use of my phone calendar, organizing my email daily, and checking all of my Moodle courses daily to make sure I haven’t missed anything.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

Throughout the course of my degree, I have made an effort to get involved in many extra-curricular activities. Through these extra-curricular activities, I have found a passion for advocacy and leadership. I feel liberated by the breadth of choice and opportunity that will present itself to me in my future.

The benefit of going to a liberal education university, and one that presents a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities, is that we, as students, are constantly opening up possibilities for our future. I no longer feel pigeon-holed by the question “what are your plans for the future?”, because I have so many.

What advice would you give to students who are considering joining the uLethbridge family?

Dive-in. You’ll love it here. Whether it takes a moment or a month, I know that throughout your time here, you will fortify irreplaceable relationships, find new and exciting opportunities, and expand your horizons so far they’ll fly past the coulees.