5 questions with Dhillon School of Business shining graduate David Morgan (BMgt '21)

5 questions with Dhillon School of Business shining graduate David Morgan (BMgt '21)

University of Lethbridge graduate David Morgan (BMgt '21) started out as a political science major, but after some discussions with an instructor, decided to switch to accounting and hasn't looked back since. As a result of completing an eight-month co-op term with MNP in Lethbridge as part of his degree, David is now a CPA Articling Accountant with MNP and says he is consistently valued and rewarded for his hard work at his new job. Here David reflects on his Dhillon School of Business journey including persevering through heartbreak and lessons he learned along the way.

What kind of experiential learning programs did you participate in while at the Dhillon School of Business?

I participated in the Integrated Management Experience (IME) program. This experience helped me develop a set of skills that have helped me throughout university and in my work life. It helped me develop better interpersonal skills, communication skills and the ability to work better in a team. One of the most rewarding experiences were the friendships that I formed which contributed to such a positive experience at university.

What is the most important lesson you learned during your time in the Dhillon School of Business?

To not get distracted from and to never give up on your dreams and aspirations. There are so many things competing for our time that we end up giving up on the thing that really is the most important: finishing university. I had to move back to England halfway through my degree as my mother passed away and my dad was struggling to cope with it but I was always determined to finish what I started. After two years back in England my family and I moved back and I finished my degree.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your uLethbridge experience?

Many people, staff and students contributed to my positive experience at school. I’d hate to miss any friends in this list but if they are reading this, they will know who they are. Now, when I consider my instructors who had a positive impact on my time at university, I think it would obviously have to start with Marnie Sawa who persuaded me to go into accounting. Dan Kazakoff who went over and above what would be expected by an instructor/professor. Most of all, I would have to give a big shout-out to Deb Jarvie, who is not only a fantastic professor but she was also someone who made COVID so much more bearable with her online classes.

What advice would you give to those who are about to begin their journey at the Dhillon School of Business?

Manage your time wisely. Make lots of good friends, the kind of people who will help and support you, the kind of friends that will drive you to be better. And most importantly, just enjoy the journey.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

I am already starting to realize my hopes and fulfil my ambitions of becoming a CPA as I started an articling position with MNP in September.

Congratulations David!

The Dhillon School of Business at the University of Lethbridge is known for its immersive experiential learning opportunities, connecting learners with industry, its supportive, personalized approach and for exposing students to emerging technology. Study options available in both Lethbridge and Calgary.