5 questions with shining graduate Sheadene Morrison (Drama/Education)

Sheadene Morrison graduates this fall with a Bachelor of Arts (Drama) and Bachelor of Education (Dramatic Arts). Sheadene was nominated to be recognized as a Shining Graduate by Drama department chair, Jay Whitehead.

Sheadene was a bright light in the Drama Department.  Curious in all aspects of theatre and always willing to pitch in where needed.  Her kind and supportive nature brought joy to many in the university community during her studies with us.

We asked Sheadene about her student experience:

What is your most memorable uLethbridge experience?

My most memorable uLethbridge experience is being the president of the University of Lethbridge African Caribbean Student Association, for the 2017/2018 school year. It was so exciting and enjoyable hosting and planning our annual culture show, having club meetings and discussions, volunteering, and collaborating with the community and other clubs at uLethbridge. It was a lot of hard work and was a bit stressful at times, but I would go back and do it all over again.

Is there someone specific who had an important influence on your uLethbridge experience?

My mom and older sister. My mom because she was always there when I needed someone to vent to, when I needed encouragement to finish assignments or to study, or even when I just needed someone to make sure that I was doing okay. My sister also had an important influence on my uLethbridge experience because she attended the U of L before I did and she helped me to adapt and see all the great things the university and the city of Lethbridge had to offer.

What is the most important lesson you learned?

Never give up! No matter how hard something may be, no matter how discouraged you may be feeling, never ever give up. Many times I felt the emotional, mental and physical strain of university but just knowing in the back of my head that it would be worth it, somehow, some way, really pushed me to keep going. So definitely the most important lesson I learned is never give up.

Sheadene Morrison (centre) in "Alice: A devised adaptation of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland" (2019). Photo by Jaime Vedres Photography.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?

My plan for the (near) future is to hopefully get a teaching contract (Temporary or Permanent) somewhere in Calgary or in Lethbridge or honestly anywhere in Alberta. Teaching either Drama, Art, Humanities or P.E. I hope to teach for the next 3-5 years and then go back to school to get a degree/diploma in counselling or my master’s in education, so that I can either be a guidance counsellor or a student support worker. Then eventually I will move to B.C and continue my teaching journey and the rest of my life there.

What advice would you give to students who are about to begin their post-secondary (graduate studies) journeys?

My advice is to enjoy it as much as you can! Make lots of friends, take days off, have self-care days, laugh, smile, go to karaoke Tuesday. Just enjoy it to the fullest. My second piece of advice is DO NOT, and this is coming from a pro-procrastinator, DO NOT procrastinate. All-nighters are not fun.

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